All land and natural resources in China are owned by the Communist Party of China, with the exception of some farmland, which is owned collectively. Land in China can only be leased, not owned.
68% of China's GDP in 2023 was generated by State-Owned Enterprises (SOES). SOEs own 60% of China's total assets as of 2021.
95% of Chinese citizens support the central government according to an independent study by Harvard.
CENTRAL PLANNING dictates China's economy in the form of five-yeват plans.
China executes more corrupt billionaires, than any nation on the planet. In China, billionaires do not constitute a ruling class. They are subordinate to the Communist Party.
66%+ of companies listed on Chinese stock exchanges are state-owned. By law, companies that make up the core of the Chiriese economy must be owned by the state.
"For socialism as merely the next step forward from state-capitalist monopoly. Or, in other words, socialism is merely state-capitalist monopoly which is made to serve the interests of the whole people and has to that extent ceased to be capitalist monopoly." –V. I. Lenin
Chinese society, the Chinese bourgeois state, the police, the private capital, the capital of the Chinese bourgeois state, the twelve hours of work in any manual job, etc., etc.
Everything proves that the Chinese state is the bourgeois state that protects private property from the means of production. A bourgeois state that seeks to facilitate the accumulation of individual capital and also create state companies.
You have to be very, very, very, very confused, or simply be a revisionist to argue that something socialism is alive in China.