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Bishop Williamson, one of the four brave men who elected to accept consecration to the episcopacy at the hands of Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, is on his deathbed. Let us pray that he dies "a good death, a Christian death, painless, blameless, and peaceful, and be welcomed into Eternal Life".
Whatever the differences or squabbles we have, it is undeniable that he is to be counted among those without whom we would have suffered total defeat at the hands of the wicked actors who have worked tirelessly to undermine the Faith, the last pillar of our Civilization. Cracked and chipped, covered in the graffiti and vandalisms of heretics and their master who commands the legions of Hell, this pillar has stood and still stands, upholding the achievements of our race and civilization, thanks to the efforts of men like Bishop Williamson. Let us pray, let us fervently pray, that he shall see his reward and through our own efforts his work shall not have been in vain.
May the Divine Assistance remain always with us,
and may the souls of the Faithful departed, by the mercies of God, rest in peace.