@deprecated_ii >just a little gold Those are entire truckloads. Gold vaults under london are about as big. Give me that little bit. I dont mind a little.
>Aghan and iraq The resources in those mountains cost more to dig them out than to sell them. All america had to do was secure the place and let the locals slave away for usd. The feminism gay sex thing is to sell the war FOR AMERICANS. No one down there benefited from toilets the army built.
The middle east plan was to have the region sell everything in usd and pose a security threat to russia. Send all the war orphans to europe so wealth flees for america.
>Colonization If zog were to colonize the place, it will 1000x the cost. Easier to bomb the shit out of the resistence, promise everyone else they can export drugs.
@IAMAL_PHARIUS they stole a little gold, big whoop. most of the looting was of our own treasury
afghanistan and iraq both have tons of natural resources left in the ground. we established no permanent presence for development, no colonization, just attempts at spreading feminism and gay sex. the world's most expensive sociology experiment run by jewish pedophiles
@IAMAL_PHARIUS we're doing nothing to develop alaska either. it's a land mass nearly the size of CONUS full of mineral resources and the typical square mile of alaskan soil hasn't had a human set foot on it in 20000 years
@skylar@deprecated_ii Each pallet should be 400kg as per lbma packing requirements. Le royal highness like to go in there and take photos to prove to her creditors she got the goods
@deprecated_ii So you go to this place for economic reasons. Dont kill them all but make sure they feel your arm up their ass. (Cus you need them to work the mines). Then hopefully they will all listen to you and not give you any trouble.
If they fight back they arent getting shit on hard enough(we need to drone their weddings)
@IAMAL_PHARIUS at no point were we speaking their language. we tried to treat them with kid gloves and accommodate their bullshit which does not work on middle eastern savages. you have to smash them and bring them to heel if you're not willing to simply slaughter them, and you need to keep your boot on their throat. that doesn't mean being cruel, but the relationship must be very clear
this was obvious to me as a 21 year old grunt and I have never seen anything to make me change my mind
@skylar@deprecated_ii@IAMAL_PHARIUS It’s funny. I wonder if they’re stacked like that so you can’t take the bottom middle one out and angle the others so it holds the rest up. All bars have to be visible from the outside so no funny business, people realize if they’re gone sooner.
@deprecated_ii America did middle east for control. Not for resource exploitation. It wont work because the numbers dont work. "We have to hit the harder" is just sunk cost speaking. If america did built up infarstructure to exploit resources the cost would be significantly higher than what it is now. Dont be mad, this online
@IAMAL_PHARIUS@deprecated_ii This area is so far to the west it almost makes sense to build the road out from the Norton sound. Like the Red Dog Mine. Regardless, it's gonna be a nightmare to get this mine up and running
@LordOfTheKangs@deprecated_ii What they used to do in banana republics is fully privatise the place. Legally fully autonomous to the highest bidder. Turn it into a epa disaster site for sure but at least its tax positive
@IAMAL_PHARIUS there are many prospects, mining is a big deal in alaska. the problem is the state and federal regulations that make everything expensive as fuck, plus litigation constantly getting in the way
there are proven prospects that have been held up in court for literally decades because every time one problem is cleared up the faggot ass environmentalists or "native americans" file another lawsuit to block it. mining in america generally has become a nightmare
and again, most of the state has never been meaningfully explored. there are not only no government incentives aimed at expanding the human footprint in alaska, but 2/3 of the state is owned by the feds and they actively do not want people there
@IAMAL_PHARIUS I know perfectly well why the US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. That's completely irrelevant to the question of potentially exploiting the resources. Saying it's not feasible to develop them is retarded and asinine. There is a friendly port in Kuwait. There is a highway from that port into Iraq. We have cargo ships and trucks. Building local processing is not a lost art.
Your opinion on how to deal with the locals is baseless. Apartheid works.