Forever gonna be vocal about that I thought wanting top surgery was about wanting a flat chest explicitly, imagining yourself that way, hating your chest etc stuff like that. But for me it was just the realization that I was uncomfortable when I was dressed no matter how flat I tried to be with any binder or sports bra. I didnt care about how my chest looked shirtless before and was comfortable with it, so I'm just relieved I'm still/much more comfortable with it after surgery.
I just want other trans men and other people who keep trying on binders and going 'well its just not flat enough and it sucks to wear, whatever, I guess idk my dysphoria isnt that bad' to know that constant minor discomfort is dysphoria, that being able to ignore something doesn't make it less serious, and those feelings are more than enough reason to pursue top surgery. Just because you can learn to write with your off hand doesn't mean you shouldn't get your broken dominant hand fixed.