I stopped watching Strange New Worlds when they injected that Jan 6th scene. I made it through season 1 of Picard (1/3 of it was pretty well written, 2/3 were just total fucking trash) and I think I made it to season 3 of Discovery and was amazed they were going to make another season.
The only good Star Trek to come out in the past decade was Star Trek Lower Decks (yes, unironically). Unfortunately it only works for Trek fans. I don't think people will get half the jokes unless they've watched at least two of the originals (TOS/TNS/DS9..) It's over, but I'm glad it ended on a high note without going to shit.
@djsumdog I'm excited for the revelation of method parts. Not really though. Strange New Worlds and the last season of Picard have been the only new ones that haven't reeked of woke political injection.
I watched all of it as a kid. Recently I tried re-watching some .. eh ...it shows its age. It's tough for it to hold up after shows like the 2000s BattleStar ... I wonder how TNG would hold up .. haven't watched one of those in forever.
Yea .. DS9 had the whole occupation/colonizer thing, and they literally threw in the remnants of American Indians into the mix (cause they somehow still survive as a people group hundreds of years from now).
At least Kirk was cow-boys in space. It reached an audience at a level they already knew and then added sci-fi plots on top of it.
I should probably not rewatch any of it. It was nice in my memories, plus there's plenty of new stuff to read/watch.
Same. I think I was in the 7th grade when Voyager came out. I remember us talking in class about the ship and the fold up nacelles. But I only watched the first season. It wasn't that great, and in retrospect, it's pretty silly.
@djsumdog Yes she did. Right around the time I started watching it. Even better, she made me a TNG era uniform in 4th grade for Halloween and I decided it was a good idea for picture day. I underestimated the amount of ridicule I would be subject to.