@anna I'm not sure about the legal question because there are so many different categories of workers, even having worked as a fed. but, I think the reality is that even if there are legal protections for your job (there might be, not sure), you'd have to pursue legal action to see them out. who knows what that looks like.
@anna it really depends and is more complicated than I fully understand. as tim says, US government employees are generally unionized. many of my friends are in non-unionized term-limited positions that have basically no protections, though - this is a way many of the "tech to public sector" pipelines have happened recently, as a hack to more closely match private sector salaries more onerous hiring processes. also, many folks working for government are contractors.
@anna it really depends and is more complicated than I fully understand. as tim says, US government employees are generally unionized. many of my friends are in non-unionized term-limited positions that have basically no protections, though - this is a way many of the "tech to public sector" pipelines have happened recently, as a hack to more closely match private sector salaries more onerous hiring processes. also, many folks working for government are contractors.
@christa I knew about contractors, but didn't know about term-limited positions, that's very interesting. Brazil has seen attempts to weaken the stability of public employees, and there are several workarounds to avoid it too.
@anna generally moreso than public sector, i was recently interviewing for a state of oregon tech job that was unionized, which I've never seen outside of gov jobs
@anna i think there are? But it might be more of a convention, i think the unemployment provided if you're laid off a gov job is better. Who knows how long any of that will last at the current rate though
@objelisks Do states or the federal government have specific laws on public service stability? The DEIA employees being placed on leave made me think about that. It's a contentious thing in Brazil (and subject to a lot of lawsuits), but in general, it's more stable than other sectors, and the majority of employees are unionized too.