I have it on good authority* that the hard copy of "Business Success with #OpenSource" is finally available for pre-order, YAAAY!
Preorders (& online reviews!) make a huge difference for authors. Please make a difference for me by ordering now &/or sharing with your network:
• Bookshop (preferred): https://bookshop.org/p/books/business-success-with-open-source-strengthen-your-business-with-free-and-open-source-software-brasseur-vm-vicky/22085161
• Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Business-Success-Open-Source-Strengthen/dp/B0DPBXPPVQ/
And, of course, the early release ebook is still available at @pragprog@techhub.social : https://pragprog.com/titles/vbfoss/business-success-with-open-source/
* my mum, the best authority there is