So this executive order, I have no idea what can/will happen legally, or procedurally, or after court orders. I don't think it really matters. The goals are laid out.
- Make it impossible for trans and non-binary people to exist without being noticed and make it impossible for trans and non-binary people to function in public at all. Make it a crime.By forcing single sex facilities everywhere (as per: Sec 5, again I know it's contradictory it doesn't matter), by withholding federal money. And making transgressions a federal crime. Or force you to use the wrong bathroom outing you to the public, who knows dear leader is going to pardon them.
- Once you can't use the restroom for fear of being lynched, or use the bathroom and risk going to federal jail. They have you. Because in federal jail they will force-detransition you AND put you in a very unsafe situation.
That's the simple plan. Make it unsafe or impossible to function anywhere in public (not just federal places). And then have parties technically outside the state do the cruel and unusual punishments.
I'm fucking terrified.