I'm so grateful for so many reasons that I got to live and work in New Orleans for several years, but one of them was really internalizing and learning the history that America has always been a funky, weird, and horny place and that any attempts to paint it otherwise are totally ahistorical at best, and often motivated by some really sinister politics at worst.
Now I'm obsessed with knowing whether it was the WPA that helped get this song preserved (peep the WPA stamp on the lower right of Alan Lomax's catalog record) https://www.loc.gov/item/afc9999005.5949/
It's always a good time to cue up Jelly Roll Morton's iconic, nasty, and wildly horny song The Dirty Dozen, but especially lately since I'm so tired of America's neo-Puritans and neo-Prohibitionists. https://youtu.be/aRSMaKJySlY?feature=shared