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Pour one out for PirateSoftware, I hated him before it was cool.
- ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: likes this.
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@Hoss @tyler @King_Noticer @Ashikon :alex_lol:
Buck Breaking: Official Film Trailer.mp4
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Tariq is my favorite black comedian, the /tv/ community screening of Buck Breaking was magical. I don't think I've ever laughed that hard at anything in my life.
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@tyler @Hoss @Ashikon A smugly vindicated gay nigger :blinksmart:
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I don't understand the image..... You become a gay nigger??
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I don't think I ever saw something memed so hard and fast on /tv/ that the jannies had to wipe the entire catalog.
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Asmond gets another W to add to his streak for pouring gasoline all over Pirate's dumpster fire, even if it was completely accidental.
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Asmond trying to help Pirate with damage control just made even more people hate him, causing trannies who seethe over Asmond to abandon him en masse too.
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@Hoss @Marshall1Banana It was bound to happen.
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@Hoss @Ashikon I say this as someone that just quickly saw videos on the subject recapping everything- I know nothing outside of this about Pirate because i hate people like him on a personal level, cowardice aside, and i only ever played WoW when it first came out and didnt like it
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Yup lmao, burned his whole grift over the dumbest shit imaginable and caused the Internet to pick apart his life and uncover his storied history of faggotry.
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@Hoss @Ashikon Asmondgold almost got caught up into it, but he just quickly dropped it any went onto to the next think the internet wants to talk about
Turns out Asmomd and Pirate both work with the same media company and it's very likely Asmondgold is either under contract not to talk about other streamers in-network disparagingly or they just asked him not to- whem he did very quickly cover the topic, he defended Pirate.
Whats even funnier is Pirate had 2 items in his quick keys to refresh his mana completely, he just didnt want to help at all
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@Hoss @Ashikon Is that the guy that ran away like a coward in WoW hardcore and then banned anyone that said anything bad about him or (correctly) calling him a coward?