Not referring to anything specific, but what I have come to on my own after reading Marx, Hegel and Bookchin. I understand the points you're making. However I just don't personally see anything about dialectical reasoning that makes it inherently right or even logical? I don't agree with Marx that communism is the logical conclusion of post-capitalist revolution and that disagreement stems from his use of dialectical reasoning to design communism as if it were inevitable to conclude that capitalism would fall and communism would have to take it's place. In fact it appears that we are instead locked in a capitalism->liberalism/neo-liberalism->fascism->collapse->capitalism cycle that nobody seems to know how to truly escape. There have been several attempted revolutions that resulted in returning to some form of capitalism and reverting to the above cycle. So if you apply the scientific method instead of Hegelian reasoning to the problem, the hypothesis generated by using dialectical reasoning failed to produce the expected results and that means we should be seeking new hypothesis to test. If we have a thesis, being the world of capitalism and an antithesis of anarchism, we need a new tool for thinking about how to proceed from here to there. The old tools don't actually work and we haven't been examining why they don't work or what might work in their place. If dialectical reasoning was going to work, nobody has applied it more thoroughly than Marx and there have been several attempts to implement his ideas following successful revolutions. It would appear that communism is not as inevitable as Marx predicted. He had an acute understanding of capitalism, but he failed to model a transition away from it using dialectical materialism.
Furthermore I don't think utopia is fundamentally incompatible with the material world. The entire idea of creating utopia is that it will at some point exist in material reality. If that isn't the purpose, then we are just creating works of speculative fiction devoid of characters or story. Furthermore, I think materialists were just as much idealists as anybody else and what they attempted to construct was absolutely a form of utopia.