Most of the time, doing the 'right' thing is harder than doing the 'easy' thing. I find it fascinating that people simply don't 'get' that when it comes to tech. They fail to realise that the 'easy' thing has been made easy by people who're spending a LOT of money to get far more in return, and that fleecing (in some way) those choosing the easy path is the source of that return. It's not rocket science, but people fall for it again and again. "But the farmer feeds us so well!", said the pig.
@lightweight Most of the time doing the right thing feels good, but if I wasn't willing to give something up in order to defend what I believe in, then I can't really be said to hold that principle.
It's like courage. Courage is about being scared and doing it anyway. Without fear there is no courage.
If giving up the use of harmful technology/services hasn't cost someone, they haven't been tested yet.
When it costs something to stand firm and you do it anyway, only then do you have values.
@dentangle I'd refine that to say 'without effort' rather than 'sacrifice' - because sometimes doing the right thing takes effort that is both fun & fulfilling, like a job-well-done. It doesn't have to feel like sacrifice.