I have tried both the above ISO, and the those found on Myabandonware, with the DOSBox fork "Boxer" without any success. https://www.myabandonware.com/game/barbie-as-sleeping-beauty-l5b (MyAbandonware ISOs are said to be corrupted - the one from archive.org loads on my Mac, but Boxer says that it does not contain a DOS executable.) Any ideas? I am trying to get this working for a less tech-savvy friend, so I need the solution to not be TOO complex for an average Mac user to follow.
Okay, I'm halfway to success. Using this ISO on Infinite Mac's System 9.0 installation boots to the title screen, but once there it's frozen - the title doesn't actually animate, nor can I move the mouse. Seems like Infinite Mac perhaps can't actually handle this executable? So close!! https://archive.org/details/BarbieSleepingBeauty