@luckytran Correction: P100 is a better particle filter than N95, and is resistant to oil mists (P vs N designation - not a consideration for wildfires, but it doesn't hurt).
It does not provide any gas protection whatsoever, only particulate. For that, you need something with an activated carbon layer. Ones sold for "odor removal" (like 3M 2097) are better than nothing, proper NIOSH rated organic vapor + acid gas + P100 cartridges in a half-face elastomeric respirator are best (e.g. 3M 60923 cartridges paired with a 6000 series face piece).
These will remove some combustion product VOCs etc, but do not provide any protection against carbon monoxide or insufficient oxygen (this isn't possible without a full SCBA). But unless you're inside a burning building or something, this is not likely to be a huge consideration (there's plenty of air around a wildfire it's just filthy).