I will be moving to Nulled's colo offering and will hope to strike a deal to move all current Lain.la endpoints (edge nodes) to physical servers in real datacenters with physical uplinks by the end of November 2025. The actual Lain.la rack stays with me, of course. I have a lot of blood/sweat/tears in Nulled already from helping out in its operation, so it's a natural choice.
Now, I'm not a beggar but the primary issue is the startup costs to get Nulled to the point where it can handle the gargantuan task of managing petabyte scale monthly bandwidth, as they're not at that level yet since they've not had a customer of my scale. Lain.la pushes 600TB a month on average now and it absolutely is going up. I am getting close to eclipsing *Catbox*, for Christ's sake. My plan is to pay up front for 1 year of service to Nulled to get them that funding to start getting multi-gig DIA contracts in place, of which I'll take a slice of and shove Pomf traffic out those. That's probably gonna be at or above $5,000 in capital (Francisco's yearly bill was like $4,000+).
If you want to toss me a few bucks to expedite moving off BuyVM so that all of my services stay up, you can do so via multiple methods here: https://infrablog.lain.la/funding-for-ideas-short I've spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $30,000 on Lain.la, and I expect this will take it north of $40,000 once I buy at least four new servers and sign for that year of service. Probably thinking R340s with pure flash onboard, at least 8TB usable (for the edge cache).
P.S. I can handle the costs but it will take a lot of time to scrounge up that kind of scratch without torpedoing myself financially. So don't give me shit about e-begging or whatever. I do all of this for you. Plus this should never happen again by going this route as Lain.la's entire stack will finally be on 100% my own hardware. Issue with Nulled? Rip it out, shove it in my Camaro, and go somewhere else!
Also all their plans have bandwidth caps that are laughable. I knew Francisco was a single point of failure but didn't really want to acknowledge it, but here we are. Time to remove another third party out of the equation and rack my own shit. Plus the performance boost of dedicated hardware is gonna be *nice*. Tired of the awful storage performance on BuyVM
@7666 Damn this is quite big, having all of this planned out and everything is admirable. I'm surprised you're not a name I hear more often on modern social media sites considering the scale of some of the stuff you host for fun. Keep on goin dude :nakedsnakesalute:
> So, you’re staying with BuyVM? > Yep. I’ll be working for both companies
> [...]
> Cloudzy AI is a Cloud/VPS service provider operated by Hannan Nozari, a friend of mine that I’ve known since our days doing gameserver hosting under Frantech. He fully supports our stance on Freedom of Speech & Law of the Land. We’re in good hands.
I will probably not be moving anything off, but I'm going to hold off on getting anything new from them.
@dcc@7666@icedquinn@p Well, technically it's "up" if you're on my LAN, but it doesn't crawl at present.
Also apparently the goddamn net is down here. Normally when the net is down, I can't post on FSE, but now that FSE is coming from inside the house, I cannot be stopped.
@dcc@7666@icedquinn@p But to answer your question (and maybe you will get to see the answer when the net comes back), it's on the list, I'll be doing it shortly.