Here's a quick piece I wrote up on how to understand DOGE as a very blatant attempt at procurement capture, a simple way of making government spending corrupt to benefit the tycoons. Please do pass it along & share any feedback!
@anildash Every time you choose to use the acronym doge, you are giving free advertising to musk’s crypto and you are legitimizing this travesty. As Sherilynn Ifill says in her newsletter today: “Musk and Ramaswamy are leading at best a “project on government accountability.” … It is not a “Department” which is a legal term for federal agencies.“
@anildash thank you for calling out that this isn't real from the very beginning. I'm so tired of seeing people repeat the name uncritically. It isn't a legal entity, it's not part of our govt. I don't expect the media to actually ignore this and make it irrelevant while rich people LARP at being responsible, but I also don't expect them to play along so easily
@anildash a couple things: GSA isn’t in charge of procurement per se, and “procurement process requires them to go with the lowest bidder” is inaccurate