I used to be a hardcore atheist, and while I still appreciate some of their arguments against revealed religion. I can no longer consider myself an atheist.
#atheism #pantheism #agnosticism #freethought #buddhism #meditation #spinoza #occult
I used to be a hardcore atheist, and while I still appreciate some of their arguments against revealed religion. I can no longer consider myself an atheist.
#atheism #pantheism #agnosticism #freethought #buddhism #meditation #spinoza #occult
Did you find evidence for the existence of god, or did you just start believing in god because it made you feel good? If it's the former, please share. If it's the latter, then that's not a good reason to believe in something.
There are a lot of assumptions that you're making. There's no evidence that I know of that shows that the universe is self-creating since in order to know that you would need knowledge of what happened before the Planck time at the Big Bang, which is scientifically impossible with current technology. I suppose that the universe could be referred to as a self-sustaining system since it contains within itself the conditions for its own existence.
I believe that the entire universe, seen as a single self-creating and self-sustaining being, is God.
Calling the universe a "being" is a claim that I'm not aware that anyone can prove. This idea of the universe being conscious, which aligns with panpsychism, is a philosophical viewpoint, not a scientific one, so it doesn't have any empirical backing. Basically, what it seems like you're doing is saying, "god exists because the universe exists and I view the universe as god," which is as much proof as me saying, "god exists because my pen exists and I view my pen as god." 2/2
I just explained why your belief that the universe is a self-creating god isn't back by any evidence. Are you going to drop this belief because it's not supported by evidence, or are you going to continue believing it just because it makes you feel good?
Forget the "because it makes you feel good" part. Are you going to keep believing that the universe is a self-creating god even though there's no evidence to support it?
It doesn't make me feel better about anything. It doesn't make me feel particularly different than when I as an atheist. If all of reality is God, then God intrinsically includes all suffering, death and all of the human inflicted atrocities throughout history. It just shifted my perspective on things, seeing the cosmos as a singular, undifferentiated stream of Being.
Oh wow. I have to know, how did you come to believe in God so late in life?
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