I’m still using Telegram (no judgement pls 😅), but I frequently receive messages from bots. Telegram now wants me to pay to disable the ability for unknown users to contact me? #telegram#entshitification
@obrhoff lame. That said, I’ve been a telegram user since 2014 and signed up for premium when it launched. It’s got problems and… questions, sure, but it’s literally 10x better than every other messaging app. That’s something I’m happy to pay for.
@obrhoff This is how I understand "my contacts and premium users", but it's not 100% clearly said. But then, why would they mention premium users beside your contacts if they didn't mean the ones that are not in your contacts? Or am I missing something here? Been a while since my last friend I used the app for left it so I've been out of the game for a while now