Arbitrary date, but it focuses minds. So let's play '25 bingo.
• US to lose its shit (more) as its fascist government falls to infighting and dear leader becomes increasingly not-present. Probably war border regions, crash its own wealth and continue on a path of self-execution. All empires die from within.
• Power vacuum left to see surgent forces rise. Russia will do its thing. China will inexorably progress, playing the well worn multiple generational strategy. From their perspective, why do anything overt when your opponents are stabbing themselves?
• Israel govt to continue its rabid path. Just another middle-eastern psycho-state. Will the rest of the world get sick of such lunatic, genocidal shit? increasingly likely.
• Australia. What is this country even? A British colony run on mining cash with zero local intelligence or self-awareness. Maybe it'll shrug off such roots and embrace its real and inherent wealth bequeathed by a world's worth of refugees and culture. Maybe it'll just continue hamstringing itself with mediocrity.
2025. Year of the crazy possibilities.