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This math is flawed though. We have no way of knowing how many people chose not to vote because their districts are drawn in such a way that their vote doesn't actually matter the [instert old party name here] is going to win anyway. #libertarian #vote
Aggregate Two-Party House of Representatives Vote Was 51.36% Republican, Yielding 50.57% of House Seats
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@fu Regardless of whether someone votes, most state-level CA districts are drawn that way. At one point, I lived in a legislative district that had one municipality at each end and about a 100 mile long, 1 mile wide "Z" shaped connector.
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@lnxw37j1 yeah it's every state not just yours. And the problem has got way worse after the supreme court ruled a few years ago that along as gerrymander is done based on political discrimination, that's legal, unlike if its done specifically against a protected group, such as a racial minority.