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shoebill made me normal
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@authen @krankheit also squarepusher fucks i was listening to him yesterday im just weak & need my lolicore weebslop to stay alive
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@authen @krankheit best post ive read all day holy shit
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@amalthea @krankheit REMOVE BREAKCORE remove breakcore
you are the worst genre. you are the low effort idiot you are the laintard smell. return to alabama. to our laintard cousins you may come our genre. you may live in the rym.... ahahahahaha ,Sewerslvt we will never forgive you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole genre laintard stink dnb..bandcamp breakcore artist genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead bandcamp breakcore artist..ahahahahahahaSEWERSLVT WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget goreshit .breakcore we will kill the pigs , sewerslvt return to your precious alabama....hahahahaha idiot laintard and dnbt smell so i can smell it. REMOVE BREAKCORE FROM THE GENRES. you will get caught. sewerslvt+goreshit+shoebill=kill bandcamp breakcore will Squarepusher/ venetian snares alive in breakcore, venetian snares making album of breakcore. fast breaks venetian snares breakcore. we are rich and have gold now hahahahah ha because of venetian snares... you are ppoor stink genre... you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
venetian snares alive numbr one #1 in breakcore.... fuck the gne re..,..FUCKk ashol dnb no good i spit in the mouth eye of breakcore flag and contry. venetian snaresaliv and real strong wizard kill all the laintard farm aminal with real breakcore magic now we the antifa rule .ape of the zoo dnb breajcire fukc the great breakcore
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@amalthea every third image result has the word scary or horrifying in it and its just kind of ugly and imposing this is so fucked up
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@krankheit haha i was talking abt the 'breakcore' artist
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@krankheit @amalthea i didnt have anything to replace alabama with
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@authen @amalthea whats alabama got to do with it
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@authen @amalthea oh ive never seen the original copypasta
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@authen @amalthea @krankheit