The families of the dead, and the injured should be given FULL STATE LEGAL AID to sue Alex Jones for damages, and also sue the CEO of X for sitting on her lazy usless back side and allowing all this hate speech to continue. If as she clais, she is in charge and NOT musk, she can say that under oath, then explain why all this hate is allowed on X and allowed to spread.
@troy_frizzell@GottaLaff Yes, there is no easier way for a Muslim to get asylum in the West than to be an ex-Muslim, that's a capital crime in places like Saudi Arabia. Once a Muslim, you don't denounce being a Muslim, without risking your life.
So e.g. converting is a way to make sure you can stay.
But yes, this guy has been posting Breivik style posts for some time, the Saudi intelligence services actually warned Germany, and he actually "big revenge" a couple of months ago.