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Viral marketing goes something like this:
A popular account near you references some supposedly popular thing, repeatedly. You hate it, but it's "the thing" right now.
That account could be a retard trend follower, or it could be a paid shill. You have no way to tell.
You can accuse the account of being a paid shill, but there is plausible deniability. Others come to defend the account, who are also, in turn, either retard trend followers or paid shills.
So you just have to put up with it.
Hence why we can never be free of people talking about that jew girl who got a podcast after talking about spitting on men's penises.
Or why we have to keep seeing character art from that incest game because it's "ironic" and "funny."
Or why people who supposedly hate trannies keep posting detailed pictures of them, defiling the timeline.
Or why so many keep pushing bitcoin as a way to be free from the dollar and banks, despite its tight integration with them and next to zero real world usefulness.
Or why there are some who are still obsessed with that faggot Fuentes kid who claims to be a traditional Christian.
YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA, especially if you don't know how to recognize it in the first place.
- BowserNoodle ☦️ likes this.
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tbh i'm kinda inmunized because i hate pretty much everything that becomes popular
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@Morghur I agree, and yet every time someone mentions one of these tired old memes, it puts it back into my brain.
The irony of me mentioning these things here and putting them in other people's brains is not lost on me. This is another aspect of the marketing: make people hate something so much that they keep talking about it. In that sense I'm being a hypocrite right now. Making the point is worth it, though.
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@vic I see what you're saying, but this is also the cultural memetic (in the Richard Dawkins sense of the word) version of Nothing Ever Happens. Meta and irony not lost on me as I type this. Sometimes people want to shitpost and have fun and it doesn't mean they're an idiot or a paid shill— there's no accounting for taste.