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These are tests. Suing the pollster who (incorrectly, it turned out) showed him being down in Iowa right before the election. Getting the GOP to agree to push an FBI probe of Liz Cheney for the second impeachment. All it is really just Trump probing to find out the boundaries of what he can get away with. Will a court dismiss the lawsuit in 5 milliseconds, as it should? Well, maybe, but maybe not, and hey, why not try? It'd be great news for him if he were to discover otherwise -- truly important information to know, if you're trying to know all the levers that are available to you to punish your enemies. Will the FBI investigate a U.S. Representative for conducting her official duties in an above-board manner? You and I may hope not, but for Trump the best news would be that the FBI is willing to go there -- not so much because he wants to punish Liz Cheney (though he wants that too) but because then he'd know he has a very powerful, versatile tool at his disposal for threatening and punishing more people.
Expect to see similar tests involving the military very soon after Trump's second inauguration.