@jimmyhmiller > Is the podcast archived anywhere? Or do I need to get it live?
I don't know, you'd have to ask the organizer, Screwlisp ( @screwtape ) -- I'm just a clueless attendee who discovered them a month or two ago. I find it a fun get together.
> What The Dormouse Said is on my reading listing, but I will have to bump it up.
Reflecting a bit, it adds info that I have not seen anywhere else, which is why I excitedly recommend it. But a hypothetical naif might not see what the big deal is, I suppose, in e.g. accentuating some historical counter-culture aspects of computer history.
However I assume anyone reading it *has* in fact read some other computing histories, whether or not they lived through any part of such.
The author, Markoff, of course has an impressive journalistic pedigree.