Imma give you some hashtags I use in my editing posts, so you'll know what to expect.
#GUMmyStuff is Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization).
#AmEditing is the standard thing. I use that one when I'm actively working on a project. Sometimes. Maybe.
#SpellcheckCannotSaveYou is my creation from years ago, because it's true. Do not depend on any kind of "check" program. They're wonderful safety nets. They are not infallible. Why "cannot?" Because it's incapable of saving you. There's no volition, no "will" involved. It isn't that it will not; it straight up cannot. Can't. Not happening.
There are others I use for non-editing posts, like #LowCarb and #HarrisWalz2024. Self-explanatory.
And sometimes I make them on on the fly, for one-time use. #AmARebel