So there was this news report talking about how the number of homes exploding has been on the rise in recent years. They go interview some expert who says "about half" of the home explosions he sees are caused by natural gas lines. The report then goes on to discuss the various dangers and some safety tips for homes with natural gas.
Certainly a good PSA, but like...I am well aware that this gas is explosive. What I cannot figure out is how that is only causing HALF of the homes blowing up phonomenon. WTF is the other half?? I know we got some folks stockpiling guns and bombs in this country but surely not THAT MANY of those are going up each year, are they? But that's about the only thing I can think of, I can't imagine they're putting something like a water heater -- even one at Mythbusters scale -- in the same category as a gas explosion...propane grills and space heaters maybe? Would that blow up an entire house?