>It is urban legend in Bulgaria that knives above 10 cm (3.9 in) are illegal to carry on person, so expect the police to try to convince you give up the knife voluntarily, even if such measure is illegal. You should not give up your knife, instead state the purpose of "daily needs", "utility usage" or even "self-defense" for carrying and be clear that you haven't committed any crime. Insist the policeman to cite a law against you carrying a knife in public. Since there is not any such law in Bulgaria, police most likely will let you keep your knife and send you on your way with a "warning". If they insist or are further misbehaving, ask to contact their superior officer prior to giving up your knife or else you will not see it again.
@meso@Komnene@critical В София можеш да се нагледаш на всякакви индивиди. Вчера ходих в центъра и видях няква "алт" шлюха дето буквално олицетворява фразата "it's not a phase mom" дето се разхождаше с няква друга дето е пълната й противоположност - мюсюлманка с хиджаб.
@meso@Komnene@VIPPER fun fact, police in Bazaar-ville may stop you on the street, ask to see your ID, break it on the spot and fine you for not having a valid ID.