@steveroyle this is incredible, an entirely different means of creating cellular structures by CHAINING TOGETHER MULTIPLE RIBOSOMES INTO A POLYRIBOSOME AND PRINTING A 3 DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE AND THIS VIDEO HAS 325 VIEWS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKvOtb6nkAo
@steveroyle especially when we know so little about the immune system i would be wanting to know more about these extremely well preserved evolutionary organelles that are very costly to produce but are still extremely common among cells!!!!>?!?!!??!?!
@liohong@jonny Okay, but, for the record, it's actually kinda glorious how little we understand.
Like, in my case, the passive "hard-wired" immune system is complicated as hell. But the active "game-time" immune system is just flat fucking insane.
Or, the organic explanation for what I am quite confident was organic "major depressive disorder" that I underwent for 30 years. (Now in remission for almost a decade, and we do not have any idea why.)
@jonny My former supervisor mentioned these to me last year as well, and while my interests lay elsewhere, the sheer mystery of vaults did leave me pondering the limitations of the modern scientific pursuit
@GeePawHill@liohong i also love the mystery of biology, it's the whole reason i hang with biologists. i do think we should probably figure out what an organelle that many cells across evolutionary time spend a shitload of resources to produce does at least on a basic level