@GottaLaff sorry, I know you're outraged and any decent human being SHOULD be that people feel driven to an extreme
Murder is always wrong.
What is the appropriate response to an "economically sanctioned" murder for which no justice can be obtained?
How LONG must individuals fight for what is right for their family against a system not simply UNcaring, but hostile to the human needs of its purported customers?
#corporations MUST be held accountable to ALL stakeholders, including the public.
It's going to be tough for me to admit it, but it seems that I am only human.
When I read of his alleged background and his motivations, I felt and understood his pain and motivation viscerally.
I truly cannot say that in the identical scenario that any one of us might not have been driven to extreme vigilantism when justice is clearly only possible these days for the wealthy and connected
@GottaLaff I really hate that the conversation we need to have about the failures of the US health insurance scam has to be promoted by a heinous murder of a corporate CEO.
That said, the sympathy engendered by the situation of the shooter cannot be denied.
I cannot say that the focus of police on this one murder compared to others is anything but an indictment of US policing: it exists only to protect the privileged.