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The jignats get territory and the smarter kikes get syrias money. Salafists and waahabists are too retarded to understand what any of this means.
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Sunnis are getting a bad rep right now but its salafists and saudi waahabis that deserve the -oid designation. Hamas are sunnis and their still going at it
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Turkoids work too. I don't know if turks and the saud work together but i wouldn't be surprised
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More retardation i guess idk. Fuck all of these people tbh
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Hamas were apparently allies and allegedly apart at one time of the Muslim brotherhood but stopped around 2017. The MB are salafi retards as well
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The MB actually doesn't look that bad for a time
"The official weekly of the Brotherhood, al-Nadhir, published a series of articles titled "The Danger of Jews", warning of alleged Jewish plots against Islam like Freemasonry or Marxism."
"In the years preceding World War II the Muslim Brothers grew connections with Nazi Germany, maintained via the Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro in Cairo and Amin al-Husseini,[69] who himself received funds from the Abwehr.[70] Being interested in strengthening a militant anti-British organization, Germany may have funded the Brotherhood as early as 1934. One later British source claimed that in 1936 alone, Germany transferred over £5.000.[69] al-Banna and other members of the Brotherhood voiced admiration for aspects of Nazi ideology, including its militarism and its centralization revolving around a charismatic leader but opposed others like its racial policies and ethnic nationalism (really gay of them tbh). The outbreak of the war ended the relationship between Germany and the Muslim Brothers. al-Banna denied that he had ever received German funding. Italian funding of the Brotherhood is unlikely, as the latter vehemently opposed the Italian occupation of Libya."
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"On 2 November 1945 the Brotherhood organized a general strike protesting the Balfour declaration that eventually escalated into deadly riots targeting Jews and foreigners" based
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Yeah it just seems like their overall irrelevant now