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Sick Sun ('s status on Tuesday, 10-Dec-2024 20:50:21 JST Sick Sun This manga is really good - mangeurdenuage :gnu: :trisquel: :gondola_head: 🌿 :abeshinzo: :ignucius: likes this.
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mangeurdenuage :gnu: :trisquel: :gondola_head: 🌿 :abeshinzo: :ignucius: ('s status on Tuesday, 10-Dec-2024 21:28:19 JST mangeurdenuage :gnu: :trisquel: :gondola_head: 🌿 :abeshinzo: :ignucius: @sun I agree. Sick Sun likes this. -
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Sick Sun ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 02:14:18 JST Sick Sun @anime I like the fantasy world they're building. -
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Author ('s status on Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 02:14:20 JST Author @sun At a couple of chapters in it is "Stockholm Syndrome: The Manga". It's okay but the heroine is such a gigantic Mary Stu that even flashbacks aren't diluting it.