@support@helpers Hi, for the past week or so, it seems to take 15-24 hours for Mastodon posts to reach my timeline. It's been slow before, but this seems especially bad. Is there a known problem here? Thanks.
I have deleted inactive/dead accounts on libranet.de and venera.social – accounts w/o login or w/o any public item in the last 2-3 years.
The deletion of those accounts and their stored content takes a lot of time and is responsible for the delivery delays and the occasional page loading errors.
I watch the progress and try to adapt the settings to mitigate the performance issues.
I think it will take some days until the jobs are processed.
@x509@squeet.me@noam@libranet.de Ziemlich lange, schätze ich. Kommunikation läuft über die Voyager Sonden. :-) Im Ernst - die Warteschlange ist noch immer sehr lang, nachdem etliche alte Accounts gelöscht wurden.
@x509@squeet.me@noam@libranet.de Schwer zu sagen. Das seltsame ist, dass selbst mit 200 max. Workern (das ist echt viel! Standard sind 20), die Jobs pro Minute, die abgearbeitet werden, nicht signifikant steigen. An der Last liegt das nicht. Die ist erhöht, aber im Rahmen. Auch die Datenbank ist nicht überlastet. Keine Ahnung, warum Friendica die Warteschlange so langsam abarbeitet.
@noam@libranet.de@support@libranet.de Yep, Diaspora isn't affected. For reasons unknown. It's mostly ActivityPub stuff that is queued. The queue is incredibly long. More than 1 million jobs were waiting to be processed on both nodes combined. I have drop some 'FetchActivity' and 'ProcessQueue' jobs now. We are down to 400000 jobs.
Problem is, that Friendica seems to process too few jobs per minute - even when the load is acceptable and when I allow 200 parallel workers.