:neocat_googly_woozy: isn't it a bit expected for bitcoin to raise its value right after the us election? like it isn't the first time this has happened, or am i missremembering something
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be i think the only special thing is that it is still raising over 100k. but yeah you're right. (probably now it is because of "ooooh tech-crypto-fascho-musk is first lady! so we crypto-bros will have good chances!" )
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be well, everyone wants to have a slice of the cake. and the more ppl want this, the higher it goes. so some ppl are interested in having this fuzz all over the net ^^
BUT dont invest in it. It has lost his value for a long time now, the payment. There is no value in it not beeing used.
Bitcoin is getting rugpulled by blackrock and Michael Saylor. In texas bitcoin miners now must inclued hints in their hashes if they still want to use so much energy. These hints makes bitcoin more traceable.
Theres is more. Dont invest in it, is my advice though there might be some potential in it. You can still profit from it.
Monero is finishing what Bitcoin was build for. If you want recources I can give them to you :)
@vavency@puniko@mk.absturztau.be I am not arguing in favor of bitcoin. Bitcoin is shit, but that has a reason. Most of the bitcoin holders are not whales. That is wrong. Today, thanks to blackrock etc. market manipulation is defnetly happening and there is not really anything to do about.
It is hard to ague if I dont know how much time you have spend with this topic. Thats why I asked punkio, what they already know.
@sakura@puniko@mk.absturztau.be Bitcoin was invented, to abolish banks:02kek: I should back that up, bitcoin wasn't made to overthrow banks, at best it's a sidestep and at worst playing into those same institutions as they have the capital and thus the compute to control it. In the end it doesn't matter as it's just another fiat currency but with stupendous power requirements and an artificially limited amount of currency available. It's just another stock market but without protections.
@sakura@kitsunes.club@vavency@mk.absturztau.be i expressed earlier, that i don't take any interest in cryptocurrencies. i have argued about it many times in the past decade and i no longer want to argue about it because in my eyes, that topic is stone cold. sorry
@puniko@mk.absturztau.be@vavency@mk.absturztau.be I think you have a wrong view about cryptocurrency's, that's why I want to have a constructive argument with you. Do you want to argue constructively or not? If you don't we both don't need to waste our time.