@julesh To be fair, Google has been in the quantum computing hype cycle for ages now—given what happened last year with the IBM kicked eagle experiment, I give it around three months before a paper shows that you can do whatever Google's quantum computer did better and faster using tensor networks.
It's pretty suspicious to me that the Google paper about their new quantum processor, which you can read here (<https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08449-y>, and you can read the manuscript here <https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/google-makes-a-major-quantum-computing-breakthrough/>) is from an unedited manuscript. Moreover, while most of the paper's authors don't have a personal financial stake in the results being true, the Google Quantum AI company has a *huge* vested interest in this.
While it would definitely be quite cool if this result was true, I'll wait to see if it gets reproduced before drawing any conclusions.