according to shitter, the matterhorn is the highest mountain of the alps, and the matterhorn is actually the mount blanc, and the matterhorn is between france and italy
:neocat_googly_woozy: what a relyable "source"
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Puniko ? ('s status on Wednesday, 04-Dec-2024 15:00:52 JST Puniko ? -
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Puniko ? ('s status on Wednesday, 04-Dec-2024 16:10:34 JST Puniko ? @kurimu its also quite funny that some of those posts lead in with "educate yourself" and continue to get the facts wrong. the so called swarm "intelligence" of shitter i guess :blobcatgooglyfingerguns:
Embed this notice's status on Wednesday, 04-Dec-2024 16:10:35 JST kurimu @puniko facts don't matterhorn
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