@sickburnbro Because it's performative. Thune was not the base's pick, and he immediately got threats from the Trump team if he didn't line up with them. So this lets him show the MAGA base he is "doing something" without attacking the systemic opponents they actually hate.
@sickburnbro It was a real cultural flashpoint for a while, even the people who stopped paying attention to football would have residual feelings about it. As political theater, it's a pretty good selection.
The regional thing might have just been convenience for him. My guess is he informally heard the owner was considering it, and decided to jump in. But it's all so nakedly transparent, it makes me suspect he's planning to screw Trump over on an obscure nominee and hopes nobody will notice.
@PunishedD yeah, I mean I remember about it as well. It just feels like .. a weird thing to insert into. No-one is going to say "oh Thune made that happen!"
@sickburnbro "...the most significant culture win the Conservatives have scored this generation."
Fake and gay.
Rumor is the only reason NFL is allowing this is because Commanders merch sales are in the shitter and nobody's buying it. This isn't a win for muh Free Speech, it's a win for muh shekels.