Embed this notice⚡Eineygður Flakkari⚡ (toiletpaper@shitposter.world)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Dec-2024 01:16:03 JST
⚡Eineygður Flakkari⚡"...violations range “from broken safeguards to patients who were euthanized who may not have been capable of consent,” the report shows. ... Now, people suffering from poverty, homelessness, depression, autism, vaccine injury, mental illness, or even hearing loss can apply for MAiD. ... The most recent reports show that MAiD is the sixth highest cause of death in Canada. ... According to Health Canada, 13,241 Canadians died by MAiD lethal injections in 2022 alone. This accounts for 4.1 percent of all deaths in the country for that year, a 31.2 percent increase from 2021."
@toiletpaper the insincere argument they make is that doctors aren't intended solely to kill while guns are, that's why banning the civilians only defense against corruption is important and sacklers should get slaps on the wrist
I've been saying for over a decade now that Canucks should be trying to ban "assault doctors" instead of "assault rifles", because medical malpractice accounts for approximately 20x more deaths per annum than all firearms involved deaths combined (including suicide and accidental discharge). If we only counted homicides involving firearms, then medical malpractice would beat firearms by over 160x. That's not even counting MAID.
The same is true of 'Murica last I checked. Most of us Canucks are well aware our health care system is broken. It only makes us mad because it's true, and yet we're still forced to pay for it regardless.