Jim Hacking (immigration attorney): in the first Trump administration, cases that used to take 3-6 months ballooned to 18-36 months. Straightforward like bringing spouses of U.S. citizens in to the U.S., grew to 2+ years. Biden and Blinken did nothing to improve the slowdowns that happened under Trump’s first term.
@skinnylatte It is totally false that Biden and Blinken did nothing to speed up legal immigration. The number of refugees admitted into the country per year went up by something like two orders of magnitude, and the time required to admit refugees was slashed to a small fraction of what it had been. Biden set aggressive targets for increasing refugee admissions and making them dramatically faster and hit those targets. I literally work with the people who made this happen.
USA admits the least amount of refugees per capita and per square miles of territory. doesn’t even come close to Germany or even France. last i checked, the one country with the most refugees per capita and square miles happened to have been bombed with the blessing of Joe Biden. Lebanon is the refugee capitol of the world. last time i wrote about this, Lebanon and Jordan were home to the largest populations of stateless people in the world. Biden policies just plain suck.