Trump's plan to use tariffs to force agricultural producers to move production to the United States, while simultaneously using the army to expel the workforce they need to do so is really some next-level strategic genius thinking.
@Codhisattva@angusm That's what I'd bet on: round up the illegals in camps, fail to deport them (where's going to take them?), so try them for illegal immigration and turn them into convict labour, i.e. slaves. Which is going to do wonders for wages in the agricultural labour sector (but not in a good way).
His myopia is filtered through the lens of racism. Elimination of Black and brown bodies is his goal. Their humanity is immaterial to him; their contribution to society/the economy irrelevant. Trump believes BIPOC lives do not matter and have no value, and he’s willing to sacrifice the world to satisfy his prejudice. His owners seek to literally profit from Trump’s weakness and vanity.
@angusm In the MAGA imagination, there's a large urban population who do nothing but drugs. As a result, MAGA thought holds that re-enslaving them to perform agricultural labour would be doing them a favour and only foolish leftist nonsense about human rights prevents this sensible solution.
This is not quite the same thing as the "enslave every leftist" take or the "food crisis = infinite authority (because everyone will panic)" take, but all three sets of ideas slosh around together.
@cstross@angusm and wonders for the profits for the few megacorps. Sysco and Cargill already have prison based processing plants so this will just be scaling. AP investigated this for 2 years and released a sprawling condemnation.
@angusm I remember driving around farm country during the first trade war with China. I’d never seen it before, but there were MASSIVE piles of unsold beans rotting in the fields. The smell carried for miles. I remember. But so many apparently do not. I can’t even imagine the same scenario without workers. It’s going to get ugly. Everyone better learn how to live off the land!