To people whom MSM and right wing media/politicians have convinced that the moral panic around trans people is a genuine concern, I'd ask you to do the following. For every story they put in your face about a "detransitioner" read 10 stories from trans people about their life experiences. I specify that ratio because the detransition rate is 5-10%. The overwhelming majority of that group isn't because they aren't "really" trans but because of things like: pressure from parents, the process being too difficult, too much harassement, unable to get a job. The rate of regret for people who have had gender affirming surgery is 1%, 1/10th that of general surgical procedures. All MSM and right wingers put in front of you are the scare stories as if people are being pressured to think they are trans when they are not. Not only is this nonsensical but it's not even in the data. It is excruciatingly hard for people to get access to care and jump through the hoops setup, and getting harder by the day thanks to Republican efforts. The notion that there is a cabal of teachers and trans people running around converting people is the same blood libel they've used against gay people. The notion that it is a social contagion is equally unfounded. I get the whole "protect the children" moral panic impulse. So does the right wing and MSM. That's why they are playing you like a fiddle with it almost identically to what they did with the topic of gay people and their acceptance in society 20-40 years ago. I know me saying "it's just a ginned up moral panic" won't mean anything so I ask you to again talk to actual trans people rather than just the cannon fodder "I wasn't really trans" detransitioners that MSM and the right wingers put in front of you. They far outnumber these types of cases. #lgbt #TransRightsAreHumanRights