@AvonVilla The ban has consequences for all kids and adults. There are better ways to protect kids from social media than a total ban. With the ban, a lot of kids being harassed by their parents will go unnoticed. The ban puts marginalized groups of kids like disabled kids, lgbtqia+ kids, especially trans and none binary kids in danger. Without social media, I would have never known there are people like me out there.
This bill is being rushed through as a distraction so that Labor can gain parent's votes without providing actual solutions to the cost of living, housing, and many other important problems.
Plus, imagine that any of your activities in social media can be traced back to you. Any of your criticism and objection to government performance will be traced back to you. Resistance will be seized to exist, and the whistle blowers can't stay anonymous.
No, this is not about protecting kids. This is about surveillance, and it will put most of us in danger, especially now that the world is going towards fascism
In Iran, we used social media to coordinate protests without putting the coordinators in danger. With this bill, the government would arrest anyone who dares to coordinate anything against them.