@sinbad Aren't most PCs "AI capable" nowadays? Mobile CPUs already contain a NPU, and desktop GPUs also have AI features. Probably most people who have a PC/laptop that's still good enough won't upgrade just for AI, but if you need a new machine anyway, it 1. is getting harder to avoid and 2. most people probably *will* buy one with AI features, just in case that becomes important in the future (like Win12 requiring it)
@Doomed_Daniel yeah they’re just some low power GPU cores basically. Waste of space but let them try to add a nice premium on the machine if they can sell it to some mug
@Doomed_Daniel@sinbad there's no reason to avoid them anyway, all that's happening is that the new chipsets are being rebranded with an extra ai on the sticker. there's no functional change.
@dotstdy@Doomed_Daniel that will be the case in the future, but it’s not right now. MS has only supported Qualcomms add-on NPU so far & Intel/AMD are waiting for MS to turn it on for them. Which they won’t until they’ve sold this current batch of premium add-on NPU AI PCs (white elephant)
@dotstdy@Doomed_Daniel well exactly. But these add on Qualcomm chips aren’t free and they’re charging a premium for them so I’m very much hoping everyone involved loses money on it, the daft bastards
@sinbad@Doomed_Daniel right but the definition used in that article is "ai enabled" which is unrelated to the dumb microsoft thing which literally nobody supports. so everyone's branding their shit as ai enabled right now, and microsoft are still trying to make "copilot+" a thing
@sinbad@Doomed_Daniel of course being totally impenetrable gibberish is basically the core marketing approach of the PC space, so in that way ai and this botched copilot+ bs fits perfectly.
@sinbad@dotstdy What addon chips? I thought this was about ARM-based Qualcomm SOCs - which of course makes them extra-unattractive for PC, as most software is still written for x86
@sinbad as someone who was initially excited about PPUs because I thought it'd mean we'd finally stop having to fight GFX people to get an infinitesimal slice of GPU time for Physics, I approve this message, and I will never get excited about any new X-PUs marketing stunts, fool me once... etc
@Doomed_Daniel@dotstdy maybe carve-off might be a better description, but they’re crazy priced compared to more useful x86 machines never mind similar ARM machines without that
@sinbad I'm super conflicted here. Getting ARM laptops out there is a good idea. But doing this with MS's hamfisted AI approach and as locked down platform is entirely the wrong way to go about it