@Cheethoepuff for my part, I think the fedi definitely has that potential. I agree that decentralized is super important for that kind of thing, and as the fascist pressure put on users by their corporate overlords increases over the next (??) years I think it will become even more important.
I struggle with bringing more of us here because I know how nasty the rancid mayo on here can be (ty oya for using that phrase, it's in my head now), BUT I also recognize that the mod team sees more of it than anyone else. Plus, I know the mayo is rancid everywhere else too.
So as for whether it's a good idea, on the one hand that's exactly what this server is for and I want for our community to grow on the platform! And on the other I worry about the negative treatment they could experience. I'd say as long as they knew that even though it's decentralized and more independent than corporate hell social we still have shitheads... I don't think it's a bad idea.