@mattl Non-recommendation: I have an OseTub 7-port switch (with on-device buttons and a remote).
While a "please wake the screen" packet from any input will wake the TV, it won't set that to be the active input. So then the TV will be on but just have a blue "no signal" screen until I hit the switch's button for the input that woke the TV.
Maybe also some weirdness when switching between inputs with different resolutions?But that might be the TV itself.
@mattl Through trial and error, I recently found one which 1) has all the HXPL 2.3pre1FINAL(v2final) standards and whatnot, and 2) didn't freak out randomly. It's kind of sad that this took multiple attempts.
@mattl On a related note, I'm still disappointed that switches aren't part of the core HDMI CEC spec. I want to plug in an HDMI switch and the TV will just see it and go "I guess I have 5 more inputs now", and you wouldn't need a separate remote.
If the manufacturers need an evil capitalist angle to make this happen, it would allow them to justify shipping TVs with only one input; you can always buy more later.
Huh, how did I get on top of this soapbox? Sorry, I'll get down now.