The weather forecast for this Saturday in Toronto suggests that it's going to be "bracing", and I like to sleep in on weekends now that I can, but I know what I'm doing this Saturday anyway. Maybe I'll see some of you there. (I'd say 'look for the dorky pasty-white bike guy', but that's not likely to be distinctive.)
Today I turned out for the 14:00 at Christie Pits protest and subsequent (protest) bike ride[1]. Because I'm a goon I only turned up at about 13:50, by which time there was enough of a crowd that I gave up on trying to find anyone and basically lurked in a corner. Oh well, maybe next time. The protest ride was slow enough that I should have worn warmer gloves (I always forget this rule; I should go on more protest rides so it sticks).
One of my lessons learned from attending this protest is that between one thing and another, I'm extremely unlikely to meet specific new (bike) people by luck, coincidence, and looking around. If I want to connect with specific people, I should make some sort of plan with them in advance.
(I don't even know if there was anyone else from my recreational bike club there. Possibly I should have advertised the event on our Facebook group, but ... Facebook.)