In 1944, the OSS (precursor to CIA) published the Simple Sabotage Field Manual. For years, I've had four pages from this hanging on our office wall. It's funny in a "This meeting could have been an email" way as it demonstrates that the way most...
@jwz The average timespan between when I find this worth sharing with colleagues and when I find a new project is roughly two months over the course of my career. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@janxdevil One of my proudest moments was that in 1998, they called me out *by name* on the product page for this poster. Sadly that version of the page is unarchived.
@jwz Reminds me that has long been my secret inspiration. The problem, of course, is that satire has the highest signal quality at low S/N ratios, but its receivers also draw the most power per bit.