Gideon Levy: “I really think that Israel wants to ‘clear’, so-called, the northern part of Gaza for good. And under the cover of the war in Lebanon and the danger from Iran, when the whole world is looking upon Lebanon and the strike on Iran – the possible strike by Israel – Israel is taking advantage of it and repeats doing those things in Gaza without having any military goals there,”.«
Berichte und Bilder von gestern aus #Jabalya sind furchtbar. Es ist die Rede von Panzern die durch eine Trümmerwüste rollen. Drohnen die Flüchtende angreifen. Viele Explosionen. Zahlreiche Leichen die in den Straßen verstreut liegen. Der Gestank des Todes. Die (möglicherweise) letzten Wortmeldungen von Menschen. Keinerlei Nahrungslieferungen mehr seit zwei Wochen. Keine Möglichkeiten mehr für Behandlung von Verletzten und anderen Erkrankten. 😰
»Eiland wants Israel to seal the areas once the evacuation corridors are closed. Anyone left behind would be treated as an enemy combatant. The area would be under siege, with the army blocking all supplies of food, water or other necessities of life from going in.«
»The WFP said its last remaining food supplies in the north – including canned food, wheat flour, high-energy biscuits, and nutrition supplements – have been distributed to shelters, health facilities and kitchens in Gaza City and three shelters in the northern areas. It is unclear how long these limited food supplies will last, said the WFP, warning that the consequences for fleeing families will be dire if the escalation continues.«
»The WFP said its food distribution points, as well as kitchens and bakeries in northern Gaza, have been forced to shut down due to airstrikes, military ground operations and evacuation orders, reports the AP. It said that the only functioning bakery in north Gaza, supported by WFP, caught fire after being hit by an explosive munition.«
Auch das deutet darauf hin, dass der verbrecherische Eiland/Generäle-Plan in Nord-#Gaza umgesetzt wird:
»The United Nations food agency said on Saturday that no food aid had entered northern Gaza since 1 October, reports AP.«
»“The north is basically cut off and we’re not able to operate there,” said Antoine Renard, the WFP country director of Palestinian territories, according to the AP.«