(To the Monroe Institute Website)(To the Monroe Institute Archives - Table of Contents)(To the Monroe Institute Explorers Project - Table of Contents) NOTES: The Explorers ProjectThe EXPLORERS PROJECT was unique to the Monroe Institute Research Division. Each tape consists of actual recordings, taken during experiments with the MIAS tapes, which explored the far reaches of altered time and space. In these altered states, certain individuals learned to extend their consciousness into non-physical realms of existence. Aided by a monitor, the Explorers’ reported from these non-physical environments, and communicate their perceptions. In many instances, foreign "third parties" would enter the experiments to aid in the understanding of their non-physical worlds. In the case of Miranon, IMEC and many of the experiments with ROMC, a total emergence from one being into the Explorer's physical body took place, causing definitions and concepts relating to our physical beings to be drastically reexamined!Over 50 Explorers did 1000+ sessions in the years 1984-1991.Links to many of the sessions, transcripts and available summaries can be found atThe Monroe Institute Explorers Project (1974-1990) - Table of ContentsTranscripts Transcripts (PDF) can be downloaded from the “Download Options” to the right.Transcripts for #1-24 are scans of transcripts that were typed in the early 1980s. Transcripts for #25-32 are RAW transcripts, as created by otter.ai, a transcription program. To read the transcript while listening to the audio tape, open the “PDF FILES” under “Download Options” to the right on this page. Right click on the desired transcript to open it in a separate tab. Transcripts can also be accessed at Monroe Institute Explorers Project: Compiled Explorer Series Transcripts #1-32 or through the link beside each title in the following list. DiscussionsThese are Zoom Chats from the Monroe Institute Outreach Online Discussion Forum This COMPILED EXPLORER SERIES is a set of thirty-two tapes unique to the Monroe Institute Research Division. Each tape consists of actual recordings, taken during experiments with the MIAS tapes, which explored the far reaches of altered time and space. In these altered states, certain individuals learned to extend their consciousness into non-physical realms of existence. Monitored by Robert Monroe, the Explorers’ report from these non-physical environments, and communicate their perceptions. In many instances, foreign "third parties" would enter the experiments to aid in the understanding of their non-physical worlds. In the case of Miranon and many of the experiments with ROMC, a total emergence from one being into the Explorer's physical body took place, causing definitions and concepts relating to our physical beings to be drastically reexamined! 1Communication with Non-Physical EntitiesAn out-of-body experience. Communications through the Explorer’s vocal cords from other entities. ROMC.Transcript2An Explorer's Past-Life RegressionsFrom a REBAL, the Explorer is taken into several past-life regressions. ROMCTranscript3Consciousness and New TechnologyA physicist Explorer discusses the human relationship with higher consciousness and the opportunities for learning; ways to develop new technology. TCATranscriptDiscussion4Multi-Dimensional Aspects of the SelfThe Multi-dimensional aspects of the self; how thought forms limit us; the importance of recognizing the limitlessness of the soul. Notice of preparation for Earth changes. ROMC Transcript5Introduction to MiranonIntroduction to Miranon, coming from level 46 of pure energy. The story of Leana and of Lemuria. The seven evolutions of Earth, and introduction to the “Cosmology of Seven.” SHETranscript6Miranon: Levels & Planes of ExistenceMiranon further explains the “Cosmology of Seven” – the levels and planes of existence. A discussion of levels from 15-22 and back. The purpose of guides in helping us overcome our limitations.TranscriptDiscussion7Awareness of True RealityWhat is reality? How humans can gain awareness of the true reality. The purpose of sleep in balancing human perception. Mental illness as a healing process. ROMCTranscriptDiscussion8Breaking Through BarriersDiscussion of consciousness. The importance of breaking thought barriers by putting knowledge into action. The purpose of the Christ and the importance of knowing the Christ consciousness within the self. ROMCTranscriptDiscussion9Earth ChangesFour Explorers discuss Earth changes throughout the world, the reasons for them and what humans can do to avert or minimize their effects. All foresee coming catastrophe, but many beneficial results in the next 20+ years. TC, SHE, MC, JOCTranscriptDiscussion10Physical Existence: Perceptions from the Other Side A meeting with several entities who have passed over to the other side. Discussions of their activities and perceptions now of physical existence. A discussion of food and energy. MAJTranscriptDiscussion11Responsibility for SelfThe Five levels of human consciousness. The importance of overcoming limiting thoughts and being responsible for one’s own self. ROMCTranscriptDiscussion12Levels of Human ConsciousnessTC reports on his travels and his communications with other entities. Message on the levels of human consciousness. TCTranscriptDiscussion13Miranon: Human ExistenceMiranon discusses health and energy, walking, the correspondence of the seven energy centers of the body with the seven levels of human existence, growth and death as one. More discussion of vibrational levels and definitions of what we call good and evil. SHETranscriptDiscussion14Miranon: The Brain and Higher ConsciousnessLeft and right hemispheres of the brain. The triangles of safety in the U.S. Discussion of higher consciousness. Miranon prepares to move from level 46 to higher planes. SHETranscriptDiscussion15Energy and the Physical BodyRelation of energy and the physical body. Simultaneous existences. Nature of the personality. Discussion of food. JCATranscriptDiscussion16Male/Female Principles Within the SelfThe effects of auditory signals on the brain. The importance of balancing and integrating male/female principles within the self. Arrival to Earth of non-physical entities to prepare humans for coming Earth changes. TCTranscriptDiscussion17Patrick - A Rescue MissionThe rescue of Patrick, who has died more than 100 years ago, but refuses to accept his death. ROMCTranscriptDiscussion18Story of the CreationStory of the Creation. The created as the Creator and unity of all things.TranscriptDiscussion19Love, Fear and Christ ConsciousnessA message about Christ Consciousness, love and fear. NVPTranscriptDiscussion20Attachments as Stumbling BlocksAttachments, including religious beliefs, as major stumbling blocks to spiritual development. Comments on Earth changes. MLJTranscriptDiscussion21A Meeting with Father TimeA meeting with Father Time. Encounters with other forms of existence, each with a message. JCATranscriptDiscussion22Lessons that Man Must LearnComments from the Council of Love about the dawning of the Aquarian Age. Lessons that Man must learn. NKHTranscriptDiscussion23Robert Monroe: Life as Wave FormsDiscussion24Robert Monroe: Laboratory ProceduresRobert Monroe describes his laboratory procedures. Excerpts from some Explorer tapes. Final report from Miranon. RAMTranscriptDiscussion25Importance of Thought FormsThe importance of thought forms. How thoughts can manifest, affecting those around you. IMEC About the Explorer SeriesTranscriptDiscussion26Becoming an ExplorerA fascinating and informative account of one person’s efforts to become an Explorer for the Monroe Institute. HRLTranscriptDiscussion27The Origins of ManA fascinating account of the physical and non-physical origins of man. While exploring, the Explorer visits the “Library” – a non-physical reference section in which information is contained on beams of light. The Explorer is directed to look under the heading “Man, Human, Earth, The Beginning”. HAPTranscriptDiscussion28Collective Consciousness The Unity of the Universe. The Big picture discussion encompasses the “Big Bang” theory, time, Collective Universe and the Universal Mind. TVPTranscript29Aspects A discussion by “Friends” – the name for the group energy that communicates through this Explorer – about the idea that the consciousness of every individual is overlaid with countless aspects that make up the individual’s personality and emotional characteristics. This excerpt not only provides dramatic and often humorous demonstrations of aspective energies, but it also explains how this information can be put to use for personal growth. IMECTranscript30Personal Development This tape excerpt deals primarily with the area of personal development – including exercises for altering one’s concepts of time and dealing with the aging process. Another interesting perspective on this tape is that one session is monitored by an experienced Explorer who asks some insightful questions about channeling and guidance. GLATranscript31Entities, Energy Streams & Information ServicesTranscript32Seeking Personal GuidanceTranscript