@jessamyn@kottke When I was a kid, I played a text adventure game called Supernova. (One of the original Apogee games.) One of the early challenges was that you had to enter coordinates for another star system.
I called the library. They looked up astronomy coordinate systems and called me back and explained galactic coordinates, naming systems, etc. Of course I didn't understand that the puzzle solution was in the game.
Decades later, I got my PhD in astronomy. I think about this a lot.
@kottke That was adorable, but also a lot of people still answer reference questions by telephone they just don't have huge armies of people whose only job is to do it.
@jessamyn@kottke just as two additional pieces of info that sound too conveniently quaint to be true: I'm now in a School of Information Sciences, where I work with librarians on ALA-funded projects and the one time I ever talked to the guy who wrote the game (Scott Miller of Apogee) he told me he always thought that puzzle was too hard. :)